As usual I'm late with my posts. Life keeps moving yet the rate at which I upload my photos and collect my thoughts seem to move much slower lately. In April, I traveled to Cologne, Germany in that I was invited to teach a weekend workshop there. It was my fourth trip sharing the practice of Ashtanga yoga. I will return this September as well. Cologne is a lovely city. My first trip I took the obligatory photo of Cologne's Cathedral, otherwise known as the High Cathedral of St. Peter. Let me tell you it is an awesome sight. Now, I take more intimate photos of the city. Such as this much smaller church above that remains nameless. Cologne is very quaint, green, bicycle friendly, city that has a welcoming rhythm to it. Everywhere I go it is a such a privilege to share this practice with others. Thank you, Cologne!

The next time I'll be teaching in Cologne is 12 - 14 September 2014 at Ashtanga Yoga Mitte.